Protecting the interests of all who live and work in our town since 1983
In the early 1980s Runnymede Borough Council proposed to build houses on Manorcroft Playing Field between Egham railway station and Manorcroft School. Egham residents reacted against the possible loss of this well-used amenity by forming the Manorcroft Field Protection Group. This group became the Egham Residents Association in 1983, when it was agreed that its remit should be widened to work on behalf of all residents in the Egham Town ward.
We support three Runnymede Borough Independent Residents’ Group Councillors that represent Egham Town ward
We actively seek to protect our local environment (gravel raising, waste management and transport issues e.g. M25, Heathrow expansion, Runnymede roundabout etc)
We keep a watching brief on Egham planning applications & issues (including the impact of the implementation of the RHUL 2013 Masterplan expansion);
We organise public meetings and speakers on issues affecting Egham;
We work on committees to enhance our town (we were prime movers in town centre pedestrianisation in the 1990s (& countering 2015 attempts to remove it)), a contributor to the Magna Carta 800th Anniversary celebrations in 2015 & worked closely with RBC on the Magna Square development;
We support local groups and charities (via an annual Barn Dance and carol singing)
We produce 4 newsletters each year & regular e-mail alerts on urgent issues that arise between newsletters
Join ERA today to access this information and play your part in the growth of our town!