JUMBLE TRAIL on Saturday, 27th June (10 a.m. - 4 p.m.)
Sunday, 14 June 2020 18:26
Have you accumulated more jumble in the Covid-19 lockdown?! Have you been up in the loft or cleared out the
garage and rediscovered a lot more ‘old stuff' that you had forgotten about?! Are you now wanting to 'recycle' some of
your possessions - to other people who would benefit from them? Here's your opportunity.
ERA is organising a JUMBLE TRAIL on Saturday, 27th June (10 a.m. - 4 p.m.)
Anyone wishing to participate can simply put the goods they want to offer in their front garden or on the driveway for
others to look at. This has to be done safely and observing social distancing rules. Maybe keep some antibacterial gel
We will not impose any rules. If you want to charge for anything you have on display, it will be entirely up to you - as
will be your decision to donate any proceeds to a charity of your choice. If you want to give some or all of the jumble
away, that is your choice too.
We simply ask that anyone taking part notifies us of the street name by email to residentsegham@gmail.com - so we
can compile and publish a list of the streets in Egham where someone is taking part. We suggest that people doing so
should 'advertise' their participation by means of balloons outside your property on the day.
Please share this information & the date as much as possible locally and share with friends and neighbours who may
not have social media. Remember to have fun & GOOD LUCK JUMBLE TRAILBLAZERS.