The Committee

Elections for the Committee are held annually at the AGM in February, although anyone interested in joining can contact the Secretary at any time (& be voted in at a Committee meeting).

Committee meetings are held monthly (except for August & December) on the third Tuesday evening of the month at the United Church in the High Street.

Willy Burgess - Chair

Willy Burgess

📨 Chair - Willy Burgess

Adrian Skelt - Secretary and Newsletter Editor

Adrian Skelt

📨 Secretary and Newsletter Editor - Adrian Skelt

Andrew Marven - Treasurer and Data Protection Officer

Andrew Marven

📨 Treasurer and Data Protection Officer - Andrew Marven

Gren Elliot - Website Overseer

Gren Elliot

📨 Website Overseer - Gren Elliot

Siân Williams

Siân Williams

Brigitte Kreuger

Brigitte Kreuger

Jim Pearcey

Jim Pearcey

Moreton Moore

Moreton Moore

Open positions

We are seeking volunteers for the following positions:

The ERA planning Officer role

Putting Planning Applications for Egham under the microscope is one of the most important things ERA does. The aim is to protect against inappropriate development as well as, where we can, to influence improvements to the environment and the infrastructure of Egham. In practice this means keeping an eye on Applications as they come in, and, according to the specifics, deciding on whether to submit an objection - then writing it.

Applications across RBC come in weekly & often there are none that affect Egham, but we need to keep an eye out. Decisions in principle are made at Committee, but there’s a need for one person to take the lead (ideally with others ready to help). Situations range from small-scale house-developments to large- scale applications for apartments or offices, inappropriately situated or without adequate parking, bad design or other faults.

The big planning threat currently is for the long-running gravel application at Milton Park Farm (see the Spring Newsletter). It’s not all negative: ERA is active on several RBC consultations, so we have opportunities to influence future ground-rules, targets & standards etc. Soon there will be consultation on refurbishment of the eastern Precinct in the High Street (see the summer newsletter), & a review of the RBC Local Plan, which is the template for all RBC’s decisions on future applications such as for Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs), parking & much more.

Currently the Chair is keeping a watching brief on Planning Applications but the role needs a dedicated Committee member. It’s an interesting role & will suit someone with an eye for detail & a sensitivity for Egham. Please consider whether this could be you & contact the Chair - Willy Burgess if you’d like to discuss it further.

Other roles

The Committee is in need of bigger numbers & new blood. We specifically need to be able to revitalise and manage our social media communications; also we now need a new Membership Secretary. These will all be satisfying & interesting roles for the right person - is it you? Or do you know someone you could recommend?

We also need to bolster the numbers of ‘ordinary’ members of the Committee. We meet 10 times per year. If you share our enthusiasm for Egham, tempered by concerns for its protection, please do consider joining the Committee - please contact the Chair - Willy Burgess